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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 5, Number 3, 2006

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Increase of Unionid Mussel Populations in the Verdigris River, Kansas, from 1991 to 2003
Edwin J. Miller and Sean T. Lynott
Influence of Catchment Disturbance on Pteronotropis euryzonus (Broadstripe Shiner) and Semotilus thoreauianus (Dixie Chub)
Kelly O. Maloney, Richard M. Mitchell, and Jack W. Feminella      
Analysis of Spawning Behavior, Habitat, and Season of the Federally Threatened Etheostoma scotti, Cherokee Darter (Osteichthyes: Percidae)
Casey M. Storey, Brady A. Porter, Mary C. Freeman, and Byron J. Freeman
Microhabitat Use by Introduced Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Geckos) in North Central Florida
Patricia Gomez-Zlatar, Michael P. Moulton, and Richard Franz
The Salamanders Eurycea longicauda and Plethodon glutinosus in Gregorys Cave, TN: Monitoring and Observations on Ecology and Natural History
Nathan Taylor and Jonathan Mays
Food Habits of Macrochelys temminckii (Alligator Snapping Turtle) from Arkansas and Louisiana
Ruth M. Elsey
Intra-annual Loggerhead and Green Turtle Spatial Nesting Patterns
John F. Weishampel, Dean A. Bagley, and Llewellyn M. Ehrhart
Status of Pituophis ruthveni (Louisiana Pine Snake)
D. Craig Rudolph, Shirley J. Burgdorf, Richard R. Schaefer, Richard N. Conner, and Ricky W. Maxey
Survey and Monitoring of Species at Risk at Camp Blanding Training Site, Northeastern Florida
Christopher J. Gregory, Raymond R. Carthy, and Leonard G. Pearlstine
Vegetative Survey of Wetland Habitats at Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve in Southeastern Louisiana
Lauren E. Nolfo-Clements
Range and Ecology of Helenium virginicum in the Missouri Ozarks
Rhonda L. Rimer and James W. (Bill) Summers
Burrow Dispersion of Central Florida Armadillos
Alton Emory Kinlaw
Food Habits of Reintroduced Elk in Southeastern Kentucky
Jennifer Schneider, David S. Maehr, Karen J. Alexy, John J. Cox, Jeffery L. Larkin, and Brian C. Reeder
Breeding Biology of Red-winged Blackbirds in South Florida
John W. Prather and Alexander Cruz
Effect of Time and Barred Owl Playback on Winter Detection of Woodpeckers in East-central Mississippi
H. Dawn Wilkins and Michael S. Husak
Evaluating Red-cockaded Woodpeckers for Exposure to West Nile Virus and Blood Parasites
Robert J. Dusek, David Richardson, Kristina F. Egstad, and Dennis M. Heisey
Book Reviews 566

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