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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 9, Number 2, 2010

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Time, Temperature, and Depth Profiles for a Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Captured With a Pelagic Longline
Mark A. Grace, John Watson, and Dan Foster

Caddisfly (Trichoptera) Records for North Carolina
David R. Lenat, David E. Ruiter, Charles R. Parker, Jason L. Robinson, Steven R. Beaty, and Oliver S. Flint, Jr.


Fire Ants, Cattle Grazing, and the Endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
James W. Tucker, Jr., Gregory R. Schrott, and Reed Bowman


Emergence-site Selection by the Dragonfly Epitheca spinosa (Hagen)
Wade B. Worthen

The Effect of Shrubs on the Establishment of an Endangered Perennial (Asclepias curtissii) Endemic to Florida Scrub
Patrick Mondo, Kristen D. Marshall Mattson, and Cynthia C. Bennington

Distribution and Status of Uncommon Mammals in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
Joshua W. Campbell, Michael T. Mengak, Steven B. Castleberry, and Jason D. Mejia


Effectiveness of GPS-based Telemetry to Determine Temporal Changes in Habitat Use and Home-range Sizes of Red Wolves
John Chadwick, Bud Fazio, and Melissa Karlin

Effects of Time of Day and Activity Status on Bobcat (Lynx rufus) Cover-type Selection in Southwestern Georgia
Jordona D. Kirby, Jessica C. Rutledge, Ivy G. Jones, L. Mike Conner, and Robert J. Warren
The Vascular Flora of the Indian Mountain Forever Wild Tract, Cherokee County, Alabama
T. Wayne Barger and Brian D. Holt
Life-history Aspects of the Rainbow Shiner, Notropis chrosomus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), in Northern Georgia
D. Sean Holder and Steven L. Powers
Aggressive Interactions of the Endangered Nashville Crayfish, Orconectes shoupi
Emily A. Bizwell and Hayden T. Mattingly
Multiple Nuclear Gene Analysis of the Divergence Between Populations of the Tallapoosa Darter, Etheostoma tallapoosae
Leos G. Kral
Increased Abundance and First Breeding Record of the Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) on the Alluvial Plain of Mississippi
Katie C. Hanson, Travis L. DeVault, and Stephen J. Dinsmore
Partial Predation at Cavity Nests in Southern Pine Forests
Karl E. Miller and David L. Leonard, Jr.
Thermoregulation by a Brooding Burmese Python (Python molurus bivittatus) in Florida
Ray W. Snow, Alexander J. Wolf, Brian W. Greeves, Michael S. Cherkiss, Robert Hill,
and Frank J. Mazzotti
Noteworthy Books 406

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