The Bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Fauna of a Transmission Right-of-way in a Highly Developed and Fragmented Landscape of Central New Jersey
David Moskowitz1* and David Grossmueller2
1EcolSciences, Inc., 75 Fleetwood Drive, Suite 250, Rockaway, New Jersey 07866. 2Public Service Electric and Gas Company, 4000 Hadley Road, South Plainfield, New Jersey 07080. *Corresponding Author
Urban Naturalist, No. 63 (2023)
Bees are declining globally from a broad suite of anthropogenic impacts. Transmission rights-of-way (ROW) can provide important habitats for diverse bee faunas. Due to high power demands in urban and semi-urban environments, transmission lines are particularly abundant in these areas and therefore have the potential to provide important green spaces for wildlife. However, studies detailing the bee fauna in these linear habitats are rare. Our study documented the bee fauna of an overhead transmission ROW crossing through a highly developed landscape in central New Jersey. The 82 species found during our survey represent 22% of the 371 bees recorded in New Jersey, albeit with a high percentage (13%) being non-native. We conclude that transmission lines in highly developed landscapes may be important habitats for bees and should be a focus for further research efforts.
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Volume 10, 2023 Urban Naturalist No. 63
The Bee (Hymenoptera:
Apoidea) Fauna of a
Transmission Right-of-way
in a Highly Developed and
Fragmented Landscape of
Central New Jersey
David Moskowitz and David Grossmueller
Urban Naturalist
The Urban Naturalist (ISSN # 2328-8965) is published by the Eagle Hill Institute, PO Box 9, 59 Eagle Hill Road, Steuben, ME 04680-
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Cover Photograph: A Spring Beauty Miner Bee (Andrena erigeniae) nectaring at a small patch of Spring
Beauty (Claytonia virginica L.) on the right of way in Edison, New Jersey, USA on 7 May 2019. Photo by
David Moskowitz.
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
2023 Urban Naturalist 63:1–11
The Bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Fauna of a Transmission
Right-of-way in a Highly Developed and Fragmented
Landscape of Central New Jersey
David Moskowitz1* and David Grossmueller2
Abstract – Bees are declining globally from a broad suite of anthropogenic impacts. Transmission
rights-of-way (ROW) can provide important habitats for diverse bee faunas. Due to high power demands
in urban and semi-urban environments, transmission lines are particularly abundant in these
areas and therefore have the potential to provide important green spaces for wildlife. However, studies
detailing the bee fauna in these linear habitats are rare. Our study documented the bee fauna of an
overhead transmission ROW crossing through a highly developed landscape in central New Jersey.
The 82 species found during our survey represent 22% of the 371 bees recorded in New Jersey, albeit
with a high percentage (13%) being non-native. We conclude that transmission lines in highly developed
landscapes may be important habitats for bees and should be a focus for further research efforts.
Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) are declining globally (Lerman et al. 2018, Potts et al.
2010, Russell et al. 2018, Winfree 2010) from habitat loss and degradation caused by agriculture,
development, and urbanization (De Palma et al. 2015, Geslin et al. 2016, Hernandez
et al. 2009). Nonetheless, green spaces in developed and urban areas may have a rich bee
fauna, albeit often with a high percentage of non-native species (Droege and Shapiro 2011,
Fitch et al. 2019, Gruver and CaraDonna 2021, Matteson and Langellotto 2009, Theodorou
et al. 2020, Tommasi et al. 2004). A growing number of recent studies have demonstrated
that transmission rights-of-way (ROW) provide habitat for diverse bee faunas (Gardiner
2018, Wagner 2014). These ROWs can be abundant in urban and developed areas, providing
extensive linear habitats, but little research has focused on their bee faunas (Twerd et al.
2021). In order evaluate the ecological value of a transmission line easement though a highly
developed landscape in Central New Jersey, we surveyed wild bees in 2018 and 2019.
Study area
The bee survey was conducted on a 5.8 km portion of an 11.3 km long, 61 m wide transmission
right-of-way (ROW) in a highly developed landscape in Edison and Woodbridge
Townships, Middlesex County, New Jersey. The study area is approximately 40.5 ha and
consists of 3 parallel overhead electric transmission lines constructed in 1972. The northern
extent of the study area is generally bounded by the 4 lane Route 9, and the southern
extent by the 9 lane Route 287. During 2015 and 2016 the ROW was reconstructed to a 230
kV line, resulting in extensive removal of vegetation in the center of the ROW. The ROW
within the study area parallels and abuts the 6 to 8 lane Route 1. The ROW is highly frag-
1EcolSciences, Inc., 75 Fleetwood Drive, Suite 250, Rockaway, New Jersey 07866. 2Public Service
Electric and Gas Company, 4000 Hadley Road, South Plainfield, New Jersey 07080. *Corresponding
Author –
Associate Editor: José R. Ramírez-Garofalo, Rutgers University
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
mented, bounded, and bisected by 31 roads ranging from 1 to 8 lanes and a rail line. The 10
lane Garden State Parkway bisects the study area. Cumulatively, the ROW is bisected by 65
lanes of roadway. A 149 m long and 76 m wide utility substation and gravel storage area is
also located within the ROW, encompassing the entire ROW at that location.
Based on New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Landuse/Landcover mapping
(NJDEP 2023), the landscape adjacent to and within 0.6 km of the study area is highly
developed with roads, residential, and commercial land uses (Fig. 1 and Supplemental Fig. 1
[available online at
pdf]). Of the surrounding landscape, 81.2% is developed, and an additional 6.3% is a highly
maintained cemetery. The remaining 12.5% of this area is mapped as undeveloped land
uses, primarily a large county park (44.5 ha) separated from the study area by Route 1 and
a 4.9 ha forest located in the center of a large apartment complex. The Landuse/Landcover
study area was defined by the distance most solitary bees are expected to forage within
(Gathmann and Tscharntke 2002, Hofmann et al. 2020, Zurbuchen et al. 2010).
The park across Route 1 from the ROW has mature trees but few natural areas, and is
mostly heavily maintained. The forest surrounded by a large apartment complex is in 3
separate approximately equal 1.6 ha stands each, and is better characterized as woodlots
than as a forest. Most of the ROW is regularly mowed approximately once a month, from
April through October. The remainder of the ROW is maintained through mechanical or
herbicide treatments at least once every 5 years. The ROW is largely characterized by early
successional upland communities. There are abundant unvegetated, exposed soils that are
patchily distributed within the study area generally associated with embankments and access
roads. With the exception of a forested wetland adjacent to the ROW, wetlands in and
adjacent to the ROW are limited to small manmade stormwater management basins and
drainage ditches. The vegetation and characteristics of the forested wetland was previously
described (Moskowitz 1998).
Bee sampling
The bee survey was conducted from 4 May 2018 to 4 October 2018 and again from 5
April to 22 May 2019. The 2018 survey was initiated in May due to a late season (2 April
2018) snowstorm. All bee surveys were conducted during rain-free periods. The sampling
methodology followed Droege (2015). Four survey stations were established within the
ROW study area (Fig. 1 and 2). The 4 stations ranged from 1130 to 1963 meters apart (average
1533 m). Sampling consisted of yellow, white, and blue colored plastic bee bowls
(Solo® brand plastic bowls 0.36 l) set every other week. At each station 13 bee bowls
alternating yellow (4 bowls), white (4 bowls), and blue (5 bowls) were set on the ground
approximately 1.4 m apart on a 10 m cross pattern. Bowls were filled with soapy water using
Dawn Ultra® blue dishwashing liquid and left for approximately 24 hours before being
checked. Net surveys were conducted for 1 hour per station in an approximately 1.1 h area
between 10:00 and 17:00.
Netting focused on bee species richness. Collected bees were transferred to 70% isopropyl
alcohol filled jars for subsequent identification. Bees were identified using the keys at
Burrows et al. (2018), DiscoverLife (Ascher and Pickering 2020), Mitchell (1960, 1962),
Gibbs et al. (2013), and Williams et al. (2014). Identifications were also made by S. Droege
(USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center) and J. Ascher (American Museum of Natural
History), and for the Lasioglossum (Dialictus) by J. Gibbs (University of Manitoba Department
of Entomology).
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
Figure 1. Bee Survey Station Locations.
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
During the survey, 1716 bees were collected, representing 82 species (Table 1) in 5
families (Andrenidae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, and Megachilidae). The Halictidae
were the most diverse with 25 species followed by Megachilidae (24 species), Apidae (22
species), Andrenidae (9 species), and Colletidae (3 species). Seventy-four species (90%)
are polylectic and 8 species (10%) are oligolectic (Fowler 2016, Wood and Roberts 2017).
Eleven of the species (13%) are non-native (Droege 2018). The 82 species found during
our survey (Table 1) represent 22% of the 371 bees recorded in New Jersey (R. Somes, Endangered
and Nongame Species Program, Clinton, NJ, USA, pers. comm.). A single male
Coelioxys coturnix (Pérez, 1884) (Red-Tailed Cuckoo Leaf-cutter Bee) was found for the
first time in New Jersey during our survey on 8 June 2018 (Moskowitz and Grossmueller
2022). This introduced species has been spreading in the northeastern United States since
its first report in Washington, D.C. in 2004 (Ascher and Pickering 2020, Droege and Shapiro
2011), and is 1 of 11 introduced species found on the ROW during the survey.
The majority of the bee species collected on the ROW during our survey, (90%
[74/82] species) are polylectic. Eight species (10%) are oligolectic: Andrena erigeniae
(Robertson, 1891) (Spring Beauty Miner Bee), Andrena wilkella (Kirby, 1802) (Wilkes
Miner Bee), Andrena simplex (Smith, 1853) (Simple Miner Bee), Melissodes denticulatus
(Smith, 1854) (Denticulate Long-Horned Bee), Melissodes subillatus (LaBerge, 1961)
(Long-Horned Bee), Ptilothrix bombiformis (Cresson, 1878) (Rose Mallow Bee), and
Figure 2. Photographs of the four bee survey locations within the ROW in Edison and Woodbridge Townships,
Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Figure 2. Photographs of the 4 bee survey locations within the ROW in Edison and Woolbridge Townships,
Middlesex County, NJ, USA.
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
Table 1. Bee species collected on the right of way.
Species Name Family Status Nest Diet Breadth
Andrena barbara Bouseman & LaBerge, 1979 Andrenidae N S P
Andrena carlini Cockerell, 1901 Andrenidae N S P
Andrena cressonii Robertson, 1891 Andrenidae N S P
Andrena erigeniae Robertson, 1891 Andrenidae N S O
Andrena miserabilis Cresson, 1872 Andrenidae N S P
Andrena simplex Smith, 1853 Andrenidae N S O
Andrena wilkella Kirby, 1802 Andrenidae I S O
Andrena commoda Smith, 1879 Andrenidae N S P
Calliopsis andreniformis Smith, 1853 Andrenidae N S P
Apis mellifera L., 1758 Apidae I C P
Bombus bimaculatus Cresson, 1863 Apidae N C P
Bombus vagans Smith, 1854 Apidae N C P
Bombus fervidus Fabricius, 1798 Apidae N C P
Bombus griseocollis De Geer, 1773 Apidae N C P
Bombus impatiens Cresson, 1863 Apidae N C P
Bombus perplexus Cresson, 1863 Apidae N C P
Ceratina calcarata Robertson, 1900 Apidae N P P
Ceratina dupla Say, 1837 Apidae N P P
Ceratina mikmaqi Rehan and Sheffield, 2011 Apidae N P P
Ceratina strenua Smith, 1879 Apidae N P P
Melissodes bimaculatus Lepeletier, 1825 Apidae N S P
Melissodes denticulatus Smith, 1854 Apidae N S O
Melissodes subillatus LaBerge, 1961 Apidae N S O
Nomada sp. bidentate Scopoli, 1770 Apidae N NP P
Nomada denticulata Robertson, 1902 Apidae N NP P
Nomada depressa Cresson, 1863 Apidae N NP P
Nomada luteoloides Robertson, 1895 Apidae N NP P
Ptilothrix bombiformis Cresson, 1878 Apidae N S O
Triepeolus lunatus Say, 1824 Apidae N NP P
Xylocopa virginica L., 1771 Apidae N W P
Hylaeus leptocephalus Morawitz, 1871 Colletidae I C P
Hylaeus mesillae Cockerell, 1896 Colletidae N C P
Hylaeus modestus Say, 1837 Colletidae N C P
Agapostemon sericeus Forster, 1771 Halictidae N S P
Agapostemon texanus Cresson, 1872 Halictidae N S P
Agapostemon virescens Fabricius, 1775 Halictidae N S P
Augochlora pura Say, 1837 Halictidae N SW P
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
Species Name Family Status Nest Diet Breadth
Augochlorella aurata Smith, 1853 Halictidae N S P
Halictus confusus Smith, 1853 Halictidae N S P
Halictus poeyi/ligatus Smith 1853 Halictidae N S P
Halictus rubicundus Christ, 1791 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum imitatum Smith, 1853 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum hitchensi/weemsi Gibbs, 2012 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum pilosum Smith, 1853 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum subviridatum Cockerell, 1938 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum platyparium Robertson, 1895 Halictidae N NP P
Lasioglossum bruneri Crawford, 1902 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum lineatulum Crawford, 1906 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum gotham Gibbs, 2011 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum zephryus Smith, 1853 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum hitchensi Gibbs, 2012 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum foxii Robertson, 1895 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum ephialtum Gibbs, 2010 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum admirandum Sandhouse, 1924 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum georgeickworti Gibbs, 2011 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum tegulare Robertson, 1890 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum ellisiae Sandhouse, 1924 Halictidae N S P
Lasioglossum illinoense Robertson, 1892 Halictidae N S P
Anthidium manicatum L., 1758 Megachilidae I C P
Anthidium oblongatum Illiger, 1806 Megachilidae I C P
Coelioxys alternatus Say, 1837 Megachilidae N NP P
Coelioxys coturnix Pérez, 1884 Megachilidae I NP P
Coelioxys modestus Smith, 1854 Megachilidae N NP P
Coelioxys sayi Robertson, 1897 Megachilidae N NP P
Coelioxys rufitarsis Smith, 1854 Megachilidae N NP P
Heriades carinata Cresson, 1864 Megachilidae N C P
Heriades variolosa Cresson, 1872 Megachilidae N C P
Hoplitis pilosifrons Cresson, 1864 Megachilidae N P P
Lithurgus chrysurus Fonscolombe, 1834 Megachilidae I W O
Megachile campanulae Robertson, 1903 Megachilidae N C P
Megachile pusilla Pérez, 1884 Megachilidae I C P
Megachile petulans Cresson, 1878 Megachilidae N C P
Megachile frigida Smith, 1853 Megachilidae N C P
Megachile frugalis Cresson, 1872 Megachilidae N C P
Table 1. Continued.
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
Psuedoanthidium nanum (Mocsáry, 1881) (European Small-Woolcarder Bee) (Fowler
2016, Fowler and Droege 2020, Wood and Roberts 2017). Our study found 3 Colletidae
including the non-native Hylaeus leptocephalus (Morawitz, 1870) (Slender-Faced
Masked Bee) and no Colletes species, similar to reports from other urban areas (AMNH
2018, Danforth et al. 2019, Hernandez et al. 2009). A scarcity of Andrenidae species has
also been reported from urban areas (Hernandez et al. 2009), but our study found 9 species
(11% [9/82]). Parasitic bees (16% [13/82] species) were consistent with surveys in
other developed areas (Banaszak-Cibicka and Żmihorski 2012, Fortel et al. 2014). Urban
bees also tend to be ground or cavity nesting species (Danforth et al. 2019, Gruver and
CaraDonna 2021, Hernandez et al. 2009), and our results are consistent with those reports
(89% [73/82] species).
With global declines of bees (Lerman et al. 2018, Potts et al. 2010, Russell et al. 2018,
Winfree 2010) because of habitat loss from urbanization (De Palma et al. 2015, Geslin et al.
2016, Hernandez et al. 2009), understanding the ecological functions of bees in urban and
developed environments is of increasing importance (Ayers 2021, Braman and Griffin 2022,
Brant et al. 2022, da Rocha-Filho et al. 2018, Twerd and Banaszak-Cibicka 2019). The bee
diversity in the ROW found during our study suggests the importance of these habitats in
developed landscapes. However, 13% of the bees encountered were non-native and either
accidentally or purposefully introduced into North America, as has been reported in other
urban areas (Droege and Shapiro 2011). Additionally, the 11 non-native species encountered
on the ROW represent 48% of the introduced bees known from Eastern North America
(Droege 2018). Urban bees are most frequently polylectic owing to the unpredictable availability
of floral resources (Danforth et al. 2019, Droege and Shapiro 2011), and our results
support this.
It is expected that the majority of bees encountered on the ROW during our study are
resident, based on the highly developed and fragmented nature of the landscape. Most
solitary bees have small foraging ranges (Gathmann and Tscharntke 2002, Hofmann et al.
2020, Zurbuchen et al. 2010), and the lack of natural areas and barriers in the study vicinity
suggests their habitat is largely confined to the ROW.
Species Name Family Status Nest Diet Breadth
Megachile mendica Cresson, 1878 Megachilidae N C P
Megachile rotundata Fabricius, 1787 Megachilidae I C P
Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowski, 1887 Megachilidae I C/P P
Osmia georgica Cresson, 1878 Megachilidae N C/P P
Osmia pumila Cresson, 1864 Megachilidae N C/P P
Pseudoanthidium nanum Mocsáry, 1881 Megachilidae I P O
Stelis lateralis Cresson, 1864 Megachilidae N NP P
Stelis louisae Cockerell, 1911 Megachilidae N NP P
N = Native, I = Introduced, NP = Nest parasite, S = Soil, C = Cavity, P = Pith, SW = Soft wood ,
W = Wood. Diet Breadth: P = Polylectic; O = Oligolectic
Table 1. Continued.
Urban Naturalist
D. Moskowitz and D. Grossmueller
2023 No. 63
Roads can be substantial barriers to the movement of bees, and can cause high mortality
(Andersson et al. 2017, Baxter-Gilbert, et al. 2015, Dorchin 2013, Fitch 2021, Keilsohn
et al. 2018, Muñoz et al. 2015) that increases as roadway speed and traffic volume rises
(Bhattacharya et al. 2003, Fitch and Vaidya 2021, Martin et al. 2018). The ROW is bounded
along its entire length of the study area by Route 1, a 6 to 8 lane highway, and to the east
and west by the 4 lane Route 9 and the 9 lane Route 287, respectively. The 10 lane Garden
State Parkway also bisects the study area. Cumulatively, the ROW is crossed by 31 roads
ranging from 1 to 10 lanes and by 65 lanes of roadway. The most readily available traffic
count data for the major roadways adjacent to, crossing, and bisecting the ROW show high
daily traffic flows (45,768 to 200,000) and posted speed limits ranging from 80.5 to 105
kph (NJDOT 2023). It is expected that the cumulative effect of numerous lanes, high speed
limits, and heavy traffic flows on these roadways create significant barriers to the movement
of bees within and beyond the ROW.
Bees are declining globally as urbanization reduces habitats (De Palma et al. 2015,
Geslin et al. 2016, Hernandez et al. 2009, Lerman et al. 2018, Potts et al. 2010, Russell et
al. 2018, Winfree 2010). In these urban and developed landscapes, transmission ROW can
provide habitats for bees that are otherwise lacking (Russell et al. 2005, Russo et al. 2021).
Solitary bees are also important for ecosystem functions and pollination in urban areas
(Andrade et al. 2019, Dorea et al. 2017, MacIvor et al. 2014), but a broad suite of life histories
and ecological functions including behavior, foraging, plant use, nesting, competition,
parasites, disease, and dispersal in developed landscapes are not well understood (Braman
and Griffin 2022, Brant et al. 2022, da Rocha-Filho et al. 2018, Martins et al. 2019). Our
survey suggests that transmission ROW in highly developed and fragmented landscapes can
support a rich bee fauna and should be the focus of further study (Brant et al. 2022, Wojcik
and Buchmann 2012).
We are very thankful for the time and resources to conduct this study provided by EcolSciences,
Inc. and PSE&G. We also thank Sam Droege, John Ascher, and Jason Gibbs for their assistance identifying
and confirming our bee identifications, and to Dan Brill for his efforts with landuse-landcover
analysis and for creating the figures. We also appreciate the review of the draft manuscript by Sam
Droege, Kimberly Russell, and Jason Gibbs, and by 2 anonymous reviewers that greatly improved it.
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