Urban Naturalist
Aim and Scope
Board of Editors
Editorial Workflow
Publication Charges
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Bat Research
The Urban Naturalist has a publication charge to help cover the cost of publishing the journal, but a partial or full subvention to cover the cost of the charge may be considered for special circumstances, prior to acceptance of a manuscript for review. The charge is $60 per journal page. There is no charge for color figures. There is $25 charge for each supplemental file.
With regard to subventions, we especially welcome manuscript inquiries/proposals from first authors in developing countries and first authors who are young researchers, such as graduate students and post-doctoral students, who are in the early stages of establishing their careers.
Research sponsors, institutions, and authors understand that publication charges are routine and necessary to produce a high-quality scientific journal that is published in a timely manner. Consequences of changes in employment or affiliation need to be anticipated in a timely manner. Arrangements and a guarantee of payment are the personal responsibility of the authors.
Authors may post a print-quality pdf file of their article on their personal website and their home institution’s website.
We welcome submissions of manuscripts. Please consider the following guidelines.
Submission Guidelines
Formatting Guidelines
If you have questions, please contact ...
Co-Editor ... Michael L McKinney
Co-Editor ... Position open
or the Publisher
The Urban Naturalist is currently offering open access to its contents.
Natural History Now photo essays
The Urban Naturalist was formerly published by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (Brooklyn, NY, USA) as Urban Habitats. The archives of the past content of Urban Habitats is available here. ... Archives
Authors may post their articles on their personal and their institution’s website. Authors retain the right to distribute their version of record (VOR), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license without embargo. The journal complies with and is green listed on Sherpa Romeo (https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo).