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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 21, Number 3, 2014

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Topographic Patterns in Forest Composition and Diversity on Slopes of Zoar Valley Canyon, Western New York
Thomas P. Diggins and Richard G. Catterlin
The Scramble Competition Mating System of the Dark Fishfly (Nigronia serricornis) (Megaloptera: Corydalidae)
John Alcock
Resting-Site Selection of American Minks in East-Central New York
Damon M. Haan and Richard S. Halbrook
Records of Bryozoans in the Freshwater Reach of the Hudson River Estuary
Toby M. Michelena, Celeste Ostman, Charles W. Boylen, and Sandra A. Nierzwicki-Bauer
Should I Stay or Should I Go: Influences on Roseate Terns’ (Sterna dougallii) Decisions to Move the Chicks
Shauna M. Baillie, Dianne H. Brunton, and Andrew W. Boyne
Seasonal Abundance of the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in Relation to Water Temperature and Other Zooplankton in the Thames River Estuary, Connecticut
Lucy S. Vlietstra
Fish Assemblages of Floodplain Lakes in the Ohio River Basin
Mark Pyron, Luke Etchison, and Julia Backus
Comparison of Radio-telemetric Home-Range Analysis and Acoustic Detection for Little Brown Bat Habitat Evaluation
Laci S. Coleman, W. Mark Ford, Christopher A. Dobony, and Eric R. Britzke
The Ant Fauna of Inland Sand Dune Communities in Worcester County, Maryland
Jennifer A. Frye, Christopher T. Frye, and Theodore W. Suman
Reduced Genetic Variation in Populations of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina subsp. serotina, Rosaceae) at Its Western Range Limit in Kansas
James B. Beck, Carolyn J. Ferguson, Mark H. Mayfield, and Joey Shaw
Exploring Biotic Impacts from Carcinus maenas Predation and Didemnum vexillum Epibiosis on Mytilus edulis in the Gulf of Maine
Linda A. Auker, Alison L. Majkut, and Larry G. Harris
Apparent Survival of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches in Wisconsin
Jenna A. Cava, Jason D. Riddle, and Richard P. Thiel
Notes on the Fish Parasite Nitzschia (Monogenoidea: Capsalidae) in North America
James R. Flowers and Mark A. Matsche
Cerambycidae Bycatch from Asian Longhorned Beetle Survey Traps Placed in Forested Environs
Marc F. DiGirolomo and Kevin J. Dodds
First Evidence of Elliptio complanata (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Patapsco River, Maryland
William Harbold, Jay V. Kilian, Gerald Mack, Jenny Zimmerman, and Matthew J. Ashton
Rapid Colonization of a Species at Risk: A New Eastern Range Limit for Fundulus diaphanus (Banded Killifish), in Newfoundland
Jeremy S. Mitchell and Craig F. Purchase
Noteworthy Books B8






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