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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 26, Number 3, 2019

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  
The Bee Fauna of Coastal Napatree Point and Two Inland Sites in Southern Rhode Island
Aya Rothwell and Howard S. Ginsberg
Development of a DNA Barcoding Protocol for Fungal Specimens from the E.C. Smith Herbarium (ACAD)
Alexander P. Young, Rodger C. Evans, Ruth Newell, and Allison K. Walker
Patterns of Provisioning in Known-aged Spizella pusilla (Field Sparrow): A Multi-year Study
Jennie M. Carr, Maren E. Gimpel, and Daniel M. Small
Climate Change and Mountaintop-Removal Mining: A MaxEnt Assessment of the Potential Threat to West Virginian Fishes
Lindsey R.F. Hendrick and Daniel J. McGarvey
An Assessment of the Geographic Distribution and Status of a Rare Dragonfly, Rhionaeschna mutata, at the Northwestern Edge of its Range
Emily Gaenzle Schilling, Ron Lawrenz, and Holly Kundel
The Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of an Isolated Island: Monhegan, Maine
Ernest H. Williams
The Density of the Lyme Disease Vector Ixodes scapularis (Blacklegged Tick) Differs Between the Champlain Valley and Green Mountains, Vermont
David Allen, Benjamin Borgmann-Winter, Laura Bashor, and Jeremy Ward
Advancing Leaf-out and Flowering Phenology is not Matched by Migratory Bird Arrivals Recorded in Hunting Guide’s Journal in Aroostook County, Maine
Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Jason Johnston, Abraham J. Miller-Rushing, William Sheehan, Robert Pinette, and Richard Primack
Is “Pishing” Tantamount to Mobbing? Black-capped Chickadees Respond Similarly to Human Pishing and Conspecific Mobbing Calls in Rural and Suburban Forests
Mark Kerstens, Aaron M. Grade, and Paige S. Warren
Development of an Ecoregional Floristic Quality Assessment Method for the Northeastern United States
Don Faber-Langendoen, Don Cameron, Arthur V. Gilman, Kenneth J. Metzler, Richard M. Ring, and Lesley Sneddon
Eviction Notice: Observation of a Sterna hirundo (Common Tern) Usurping an Active Sternula antillarum (Least Tern) Nest
Georgia J. Riggs, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Kayla M. Harvey, Dimitri A. Pappas, Jennifer L. Wall, Peter C. McGowan, Carl R. Callahan, Craig A. Koppie, and Diann J. Prosser
Home Range and Habitat Use of West Virginia Canis latrans (Coyote)
Lauren L. Mastro, Dana J. Morin, and Eric M. Gese
A Survey of Terrestrially Active Salamanders from Two Different Woodlands at the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Pennsylvania
Walter E. Meshaka Jr., Cordelia G. Lindsay, Andrew L. Mack, and Malcolm L. McCallum
Tick Burdens in a Small-Mammal Community in Virginia
Leah R. Card, William J. McShea, Robert C. Fleischer, Jesús. E. Maldonado, Kristin Stewardson, Michael G. Campana, Patrick A. Jansen, and Justin M. Calabrese
Adult Survival of Common Eiders in Maine
R. Bradford Allen, Daniel G. McAuley, and Guthrie S. Zimmerman
A Phylogeny of Marstonia lustrica (Pilsbry 1890) (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae) Across its Range
Thomas W. Coote
Loss of a Foundation Species, Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), May Lead to Biotic Homogenization of Fungal Communities and Altered Bacterial Abundance in the Forest Floor
Aliza Fassler, Jesse Bellemare, and Danielle D. Ignace
Predation of Dragonfly Nymphs by Passerines
Ashley C. Kennedy, Harold B. White III, and Douglas W. Tallamy
Trumpeter Swan Killed by Gray Wolf in Minnesota
Thomas D. Gable, Steve K. Windels, Austin T. Homkes, Greg Robertson, and Eleni K. Verveniotis
Observation and DNA Confirmation of a Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Hunting and Killing a Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
Sean M. Johnson-Bice , Steve K. Windels, and Kristine L. Pilgrim
Observation of a Cambarus bartonii bartonii (Common Crayfish) Overwintering in a Terrestrial Winter Microhabitat
Sean M. Hartzell
Observations of Double Brooding and Inbreeding of Piping Plovers on Fire and Westhampton Islands, New York
Samantha G. Robinson, Henrietta A. Bellman, Krista Thyberg, James D. Fraser, Daniel H. Catlin, and Sarah M. Karpanty






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