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Viking Settlers of the North Atlantic: An Isotopic Approach

Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 7

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts. 

Front Cover



Introduction: New Approaches to the Study of the Viking Age Settlement across the North Atlantic
T. Douglas Price

Research Articles

Viking Faroes: Settlement, Paleoeconomy, and Chronology
Símun V. Arge

Endperiod demographics of the Greenland Norse
Niels Lynnerup

Stable Isotopic (δ13C and δ15N) Characterization of Key Faunal Resources from Norse Period Settlements in North Iceland
Philippa L. Ascough, Mike J. Church, Gordon T. Cook, Árni Einarsson, Thomas H. McGovern, Andrew J. Dugmore, and Kevin J. Edwards

A Boat Load of Vikings?
Carolyn A. Chenery, Jane A. Evans, David Score, Angela Boyle, and Simon R. Chenery

Finding Vikings with Isotope Analysis: The View from Wet and Windy Islands
Janet Montgomery, Vaughan Grimes, Jo Buckberry, Jane A. Evans, Michael P. Richards, and James H. Barrett

An Introduction to the Isotopic Studies of Ancient Human Remains
T. Douglas Price

The Peopling of the North Atlantic: Isotopic Results from Norway
T. Douglas Price and Elise Naumann

Isotopic Baselines in the North Atlantic Region
T. Douglas Price, Karin Margarita Frei, and Elise Naumann

The Colonization of Iceland in Light of Isotope Analyses
Orri Vésteinsson and Hildur Gestsdóttir

The Peopling of the North Atlantic: Isotopic Results from Iceland
T. Douglas Price and Hildur Gestsdóttir

The Peopling of the North Atlantic: Isotopic Results from Greenland
T. Douglas Price and Jette Arneborg

Conclusions and Reflections
T. Douglas Price







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