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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 26, Number 2, 2019

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
The Decline in Nesting Success of Tachycineta bicolor (Tree Swallow) Over 38 Years on Hardwood Island, Maine
Marcia Blyth, C.W. Eliot Paine, and C.E. Timothy Paine
Wing-flashing by Northern Mockingbirds While Foraging and in Response to a Predator Model
Sarah K. Peltier, C. Morgan Wilson, and Renee D. Godard
Terrestrial Gastropod Grazing on Macrolichens in a Northern Broadleaf–Conifer Forest
Ailís B. Clyne, Natalie L. Cleavitt, and Timothy J. Fahey
Changes in Occupancy and Relative Abundance of a Southern Population of Spruce Grouse Based on a 25-year Resurvey
Christopher Gilbert and Erik Blomberg
Limulus polyphemus (Atlantic Horseshoe Crab) Habitats in a Small Estuary and the Adjacent Inner Continental Shelf: Linkages Across Mid-Atlantic Bight Seascapes
Kenneth W. Able, Paola C. López-Duarte, Thomas M. Grothues, Linda Barry, Rosemarie Petrecca, Jaymie Fredricks, Chandler Navara, and Anya Hanson
A Spatially and Temporally Concurrent Comparison of Popular Abundance Estimators for White-tailed Deer
Jacob M. Haus, T. Brian Eyler, and Jacob L. Bowman
Wild Canid Distribution and Co-existence in a Natural–Urban Matrix of the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts
Eric G. LeFlore, Todd K. Fuller, John T. Finn, Stephen DeStefano, and John F. Organ
Rediscovery of the Freshwater Brown Alga Heribaudiella in Connecticut After 100 Years
John D. Wehr, Sarah E. Steirer, and Robin S. Sleith
Observations on the Growth, Condition, and Ecology of Lake Trout in Quabbin Reservoir, Massachusetts
Jason T. Stolarski
Wild Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) of the Ossipee Pine Barrens
Erika M. Tucker and Sandra M. Rehan
Assessment of a Restored Wetland in West-Central Illinois
Taylor Bookout and Gregory L. Bruland
Surveys for Population Persistence and Bd at the Northeastern Range Edge of the Eastern Lesser Siren
Lily M. Thompson, Benny Pugh, Logan A. McDonald, Angie Estrada, Katelyn Horn, Bronte L.C. Gilman, Lisa K. Belden, Joseph C. Mitchell, and Kristine L. Grayson
Physicochemical Controls on Spatiotemporal Distribution and Benthic Mat Severity of Didymosphenia geminata in Pine Creek, an Unregulated Watershed in Northern Pennsylvania
Matthew K. Shank
Swainson’s Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) in a Monoculture of Invasive Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica)
Gary R. Graves
Latest Documented Fall record of Oporornis agilis (Connecticut Warbler) in North America
Noah Perlut
Poecile atricapillus (Black-capped Chickadee) Feeding Catharus guttatus (Hermit Thrush) Nestlings
Leonard R. Reitsma, Christian Burns, and Jess Sullivan
Gryllus veletis (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in New Brunswick: First detection in Maritime Canada
Jake H. Lewis, Donald F. McAlpine, and Andrew B.T. Smith
Noteworthy Books B1






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