Eagle Hill Masthead
ANB Masthead
NENHC Home Registration Program Presentation

Conference Field Trips

Field trips are ticketed events, for which advanced registration is required by April 14. Field trips are conference events, and as such, participation in them is limited to those registered for the conference. Except if otherwise noted, transportation from the convention center to the field trip destination will be via carpooling. Prior to the conference, we will forward the names and email addresses of all those who sign up for a field trip to the field trip organizer, who will contact each participant in advance to set up a time for a brief meeting to provide directions and work out the details of who will be driving. If you signed up for a field trip and if you have not heard from the field trip leader by April 18, we advise you to contact him/her (email listed in info given below) to confirm your attendance and the logistical details. Also, if you had registered for a field trip, but then realize you will not be able to attend, please promptly notifiy the field trip leader so that they know who to expect and can offer your spot to someone else in the event the field trip has filled up and there is a waiting list.


Field Trip 1: Tours of Natural History Collections at the New York State Museum

Date and time: Friday 19 April, 1 to 4 pm

Location:  Meet in the lobby of NYSM inside the 222 Madison Avenue, Albany, entrance.

Instructors: Robert Feranec (Director of Research and Collections), Lisa Amati and Sarita Morse (Paleontology), Tim McCabe (Entomology), Denise Mayer, (Malacology), Patty Kaishian (Mycology), James Lendemer and Diana Murphy (Botany), Ryan Whitehouse (Database and digitization).

Description: Participants will gather for an overview of the biological collections at the NYS Museum and an introduction to the database that is critical for data organization and accessibility.  Will then divide up into smaller groups that will rotate through specialized collections for tours by curators and staff.

The tour is limited to 75 participants.

No Fee

For more information: contact Denise Mayer at Denise.Mayer@nysed.gov.


Field Trip 2: Restoring Sustainable and Resilient Pitch Pine–Scrub Oak Barrens

Date and time: Friday 19 April, 1 to 4 pm

Location:  Meet at the Discovery Center, 195 New Karner Road, Albany NY 12203.

Instructos: Neil A. Gifford, Conservation Director, Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission.

Description: Restoring sustainable and resilient ecosystems is a long and complicated process, especially in the case of the globally rare, fire-dependent inland pine barrens of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. This 3400-acre Natural National Landmark, supports one of the best remaining global examples of an inland Pitch Pine–Scrub Oak barrens, 8 rare plants, and 114 rare wildlife species (documented since 1980). Participants on this field trip will have to opportunity to see various stages of the restoration process (mechanical and pyric). Resetting ecosystem composition and structure enables restoring fire and frost dynamics that simultaneously reduce wildfire risk, expand and maintain rare species habitat, and improve climate resilience. In particular, we appear to be restoring a fire regime that, as paleoecology and dendrochronology strongly suggest, resembles the pre-colonial indigenous fire stewardship that shaped these ecosystems for thousands of years.

Limite to 30 participants.

No Fee

For more information: contact Neil Gifford at ngifford@albanypinebush.org.


Field Trip 3: Schenectady Pine Barrens Restoration and Flora Walk

Date and time: Friday 19 April, 1 to 4 pm

Location:  Meet at #1 Gifford Road, Schenectady, NY at the entrance to the Woodlawn Preserve.

Instructors: Steve Young (Botany Visible), and Joel Hecht (Stewardship Director, Albany Pine Bush).

Description: We will walk around the loop trail of the Schenectady Pine Barrens Preserve (aka the Woodlawn Preserve) to see the early spring flora, especially the large area of skunk cabbage flowering in the red maple swamp, and explore the sand dunes that are in the process of being restored to inland pine barrens to support the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly.

Limite to 20 participants.

No Fee

For more information: contact Steve Young at botanyvisible@gmail.com.


Field Trip 4: Early Spring Flora of Rich Limestone Woods

Date and time: Friday 19 April, 1 to 4 pm

Location:  Meet at Joralemon Town Park (https://maps.app.goo.gl/gVGvGC1yRfPc5Uw2A).

Instructor: Rich Ring, NY Natural Heritage Program.

Description:Join botanist Rich Ring to look for spring ephemeral wildflowers and early fern fiddleheads in a very diverse limestone woodland of southern Albany County. We will also discuss the uses of the park and their compatibility with preserving the flora.

Limite to 15 participants.

No Fee

For more information: contact Rich Ring at richard.ring@dec.ny.gov


Additional 2024 NENHC field trips will be listed here as they are confirmed.