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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 12, Number 1, 2013

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Reintroduction of the Eastern Woodrat (Neotoma floridana) in Southern Illinois
Aaron K. Poole, Brian A. Novosak, Aaron C. Gooley, David M. Ing, Robert D. Bluett, Timothy C. Carter, and George A. Feldhamer

Temporal Changes and Prescribed-Fire Effects on Vegetation and Small-Mammal Communities in Central Appalachian Forest, Creek, and Field Habitats
Karen E. Francl and Christine J. Small
Growth in Body Length and Mass of the Florida Panther: An Evaluation of Different Models and Sexual Size Dimorphism
Tad Bartareau, Dave Onorato, and Deborah Jansen
A Range-wide Survey of the Endangered Black-capped Vireo in Texas
Tiffany M. McFarland, Heather A. Mathewson, Julie E. Groce, Michael L. Morrison, and R. Neal Wilkins
Painted Bunting Abundance and Habitat Use in Florida
Michael F. Delany, Bill Pranty, and Richard A. Kiltie
Search Efforts for Ivory-billed Woodpecker in South Carolina
Matthew Moskwik, Theresa Thom, Laurel M. Barnhill, Craig Watson, Jennifer Koches, John Kilgo, Bill Hulslander, Colette Degarady, and Gary Peters
Use of Crop Fields and Forest by Wintering American Woodcock
Emily B. Blackman, Christopher S. DePerno, Christopher E. Moorman, and M. Nils Petersons
Wild Turkey Movements During Flooding After Opening of the Morganza Spillway, Louisiana
Michael J. Chamberlain, Michael E. Byrne, Norman J. Stafford III, Kevin L. Skow, and Bret A. Colliers
Response of Federally Threatened Scutellaria montana (Large-flowered Skullcap) to Pre-transplantation Burning and Canopy Thinning
H. Mae Kile, Joey Shaw, and Jennifer Nagel Boyd
Diversity and Community Similarity of Arthropods in Response to the Restoration of Former Pine Plantations
John C. Burkhalter, Daniel C. Moon, and Anthony M. Rossi
A Previously Undocumented Locality of Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) in the Elk River, Carter County, TN
M. Worth Pugh, John D. Groves, Lori A. Williams, and Michael M. Gangloff
Life-History Observations, Environmental Associations, and Soil Preferences of the Piedmont Blue Burrower (Cambarus [Depressicambarus] harti) Hobbs
Brian S. Helms, Chester Figiel, John Rivera, Jim Stoeckel, George Stanton, and Troy A. Keller
Growth Rates and Age Estimations of the Fuzzy Pigtoe, Pleurobema strodeanum: A Species Newly Listed under the Endangered Species Act
Evelyn G. Reátegui-Zirena, Paul M. Stewart, and Jonathan M. Miller
Seasonality and Spatial Variation in Nekton Assemblages of the Lower Apalachicola River
Robert Gorecki and Matthew B. Davis
Effects of Predators on Fish and Crayfish Survival in Intermittent Streams
Matthew P. Dekar and Daniel D. Magoulick
Heritable Melanism and Parasitic Infection Both Result in Black-Spotted Mosquitofish
Lisa Horth, David Gauthier, and Wolfgang Vogelbein
Population Attributes of Lake Trout in Tennessee Reservoirs
Drew Russell and Phillip W. Bettoli
Diet of Juvenile Alabama Shad (Alosa alabamae) in Two Northern Gulf of Mexico Drainages
Paul F. Mickle, Jacob F. Schaefer, Donald A. Yee, and Susan B. Adams
Roof-nesting Least Terns Travel to Forage in Brackish/Marine Waters
Elizabeth A. Forys, Arya Poppema-Bannon, Kristina Krajcik, and William A. Szelistowski
Detection of a Babesia Species in a Bobcat from Georgia
Barbara C. Shock, J. Mitchell Lockhart, Adam J. Birkenheuer, and Michael J. Yabsley
Noteworthy Books 248

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